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Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês

Entrevista de Emprego em Inglês

job interview

Ser entrevistado em inglês é uma situação muitas vezes descrita com tensa, mesmo por candidatos que se consideram fluentes no idioma. Hoje em dia essa é uma prática cada vez mais freqüente no mundo corporativo, portanto é essencial que o profissional esteja preparado para esse tipo de seleção.

É importante que o candidato saiba como preparar um bom currículo em inglês, além de praticar possíveis perguntas e respostas de acordo com o cargo pretendido.

Veja alguns exemplos de perguntas e respostas de uma entrevista de emprego em inglês:

1. Tell me a little about yourself.
I was born and bred in…
I started to work in… after I finished college.
I’m hard working, focused and very energetic.

2. Why do you want to work in this organization?
I’ve always heard good things from the people who work at your company.
Your company’s reputation is something that attracted me.

3. What makes you qualified for this position?
I have over seven years of experience…
I have extensive experience with problem solving.
I also can speak 3 languages.

4.  What are your short and long term career goals?
I’m ready to face new challenges ad earn a management position.
As long term I would definitely like to work my way up to becoming a director eventually.

5. What were your responsibilities in your last job?
I was in charge of…
I had to make sure…
I was responsible for…

6. Do you prefer working in teams or alone?
I like both teamwork and working alone.
Depending on the job to be done, I…

7. What kind of activities do you find motivating?
I really like challenging activities…
Having goals to achieve is something that I find motivating.

8. How do you deal with stress and deadlines?
I find that working out at the gym helps me cope with the everyday stress and pressure at work.

9. Would travelling on business be a problem for you?
Not at all. I find it stimulating and it breaks up the routine.

10. Are you available to start immediately?
I could start as soon as you need me.


Você precisa praticar para uma entrevista em inglês? Entre em contato com o Yázigi Vila Mariana!

Endereço: Av. Dr. Altino Arantes, 145. Tel (11) 5579-4930.


English for Job Interviews.
José Roberto A. Igreja e Robert C. Young. DISAL, 2008.